Open Source IoT Project Flogo at Golang Conference “Gophercon 2017”

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In February 2017, I traveled to Pune, India to present the open source IoT project Flogo in front of 400 attendees at Gophercon. This event is the largest global conference series on the Go Programming Language. The conference had many great talks, which demonstrated why Go is used especially for building fast, lightweight, and highly scalable software. A few examples written in Golang include distributed infrastructure components like Docker or Kubernetes, microservices-related frameworks like Consul, etcd, or IoT frameworks like Flogo. Here is a more extensive list of “Excellent Open Source Go Projects”.

Why Go Programming Language?

Here are some reasons why Go is a great language for building infrastructure and middleware components:

  • Modern programming language: Getting a lot of traction due to usage in frameworks like Docker or Kubernetes
  • Concurrency: Built into the language (Goroutines, channels, context, no explicit thread programming)
  • Memory management: Modern garbage collector
  • Statically typed: Type-safe development with no surprises during runtime
  • “Partly” object-oriented: Simple and flexible type system, composition instead of inheritance
  • Zero-dependency programming model: All-included binary file, no dependent “external” libraries
  • Speed: Ultra-fast compilation and startup time, very lightweight footprint

There is no new feature in this list, but the Go programming language combines the advantages of very lightweight, performant low-level languages like C with higher-level features from Java or C#. In conjunction with a simple programming model, it is very easy for developers to get started and build powerful software with the Go ecosystem.

Why Flogo for IoT edge applications?

I introduced Flogo some months ago as very lightweight IoT Integration Framework, and also showed how easy it is to extend the open source projects using an example of building a connector to Apache Kafka.

In summary, Flogo is:

  • An ultra-lightweight integration framework powered by Go
  • Open source under the very permissive BSD license and easily extendable
  • Used to develop IoT edge applications and other lightweight microservices
  • Complementary to other integration solutions, middleware, and IoT cloud platforms

The key differentiator to other open source IoT frameworks like JVM-based IoT Eclipse and JavaScript / node.js-based Node-RED is the highly optimized runtime for unreliable IoT environments with ultra-light footprint (powered by Go) for edge devices (disk and memory), zero dependency model, and web-native remote debugger.

Flogo, which was made available in October 2016, is getting more mature every month. The web designer is already in a pretty stable and feature-rich state. It is available for free as Docker image. Simply download it, start the container, and build some integration flows. Feel free to check out the Flogo Community for more information or ask any questions in the Flogo answers section.

Flogo slides and video recording from Gophercon India 2017

If you want to see the most recently updated introduction to open source IoT project Flogo, please check out the video recording from my Gophercon talk in February 2017: