How TIBCO Software Uses Connected Intelligence to Help Alleviate Supply Chain Disruptions

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Supply chain disruptions continue to be a prevalent problem for many enterprises around the world. Though many hoped and believed that the pandemic production issues and ripple-effect delays would be solved once life regained normalcy, that’s not been the reality. According to a recent Gartner report, 76 percent of supply chain executives say that compared to three years ago, their company is facing more frequent disruptions today.

While supply chain disruptions are not new, not all companies are feeling the pain. Disruptions are a constant that enterprises should prepare for and be adaptable to. See how TIBCO uses data-driven, AI-infused connected intelligence to defend against the most common supply chain disruptions today.

Resiliency Leads to Competitive Advantage

Based on historical cycles of supply and demand, modern supply chains are failing to predict and quickly address emerging problems. In the past year alone, shipping and transportation facilities have seen an uptick in delays. From international political unrest, port inaccessibility, and worker shortages, shipment delays between the world’s greatest exporter and greatest importer have quadrupled since March 2022

Ensuring supply chain resiliency requires connectivity and accessibility of all enterprise data, wherever it is. Hamburg Süd wanted to capitalize on the complexity plaguing its industry and gain a competitive advantage over those struggling to adapt to disruptions. By applying artificial intelligence to unify and organize its real-time data with TIBCO Streaming software and other TIBCO solutions, Hamburg standardized its analytics, offerings, and applications company-wide. Turning supply chain fragility into agility, Hamburg implemented automation, consistent processes, and data-driven decisions to help react to a highly competitive, volatile, and fast-moving supply chain.

Sensing, Detecting, and Responding to Disruption

The modern supply chain is much more than a highly organized, unified, and predictive process that we’re all trying to time correctly and understand. Increasingly, it’s the nervous system in which an enterprise can sense and detect changes in behavior of their partners and consumers in the outside world. As enterprises grow larger and more complex, manufacturing and production processes are often shared, thus increasing the reliance on automation and efficient collaboration. 

Enabling an enterprise’s supply chain nervous system requires solutions that make data-driven insights immediate and instinctual. An agile data fabric makes a supply chain highly effective in sensing, detecting, and responding to continually changing conditions and disruptions:

  1. TIBCO Data Virtualization solution for agile access to supply chain data 
  2. TIBCO Cloud™ Metadata solution for increased trust in data 
  3. TIBCO Streaming solution for business intelligence and analytics
  4. TIBCO Data Science for anticipatory action from changing conditions
  5. TIBCO Cloud™ Integration automation and actionable insights for users
  6. TIBCO Cloud™ API Management solution to maximize business values

Improving Supply Chain Agility

Changes to the enterprise solutions used to support your supply chain cannot happen overnight, but changes that directly impact your supply chain can. Ensuring your enterprise has supply chain agility is a multi-phased approach using current enterprise resource planning and supply chain management infrastructure. An AI-infused connected intelligence is the end goal, but enterprises need to focus on their priorities at hand and then build out the agile data fabric one step at a time. 

By beginning with data virtualization and API management solutions, businesses will enable faster access to data for every player involved while real-time visibility builds the basis for reliable and automated processes. Yes, the evolution toward supply chain agility and self-service analytics is the end goal, but in order to make the goals tangible, there needs to be an organized approach to laying the groundwork. Discover how to adopt supply chain innovation possible.

Strengthen Supply Chain Agility with TIBCO Software

Are you interested in fortifying your supply chain and decreasing its vulnerability from disruptions? Similar to other goliaths in your industry, your enterprise can turn supply chain fragility into a competitive advantage with predictive and applicative intelligence. 

Learn more about TIBCO’s supply chain solutions to transform how your business operates from our free resources below: